What is a Yale Journalism Scholar and how do I become one?
The Yale Journalism Initiative exists for all Yale students interested in journalism–including those studying at Yale’s graduate schools. Anyone in the Yale community is encouraged to reach out to the YJI team for professional counseling and to attend YJI’s events.
Those students who wish to demonstrate their dedication to journalism–and receive journalism internship funding–can work to become Yale Journalism Scholars. In the belief that the best preparation for a reporting career is a broad, liberal arts education, Yale does not offer a journalism major. Becoming a Yale Journalism Scholar is the best way to show potential employers your commitment to the craft.
To become a Yale Journalism Scholar students must:
Enroll in English 467: Journalism, the prerequisite course for the YJI, which is offered both terms. As with most upper-level writing seminars, admission is at the discretion of the professor, who will consider applicants’ past academic experience and writing samples. Students should check with the English department about application deadlines, which are often before the beginning of the term, or even in the prior semester.
Complete a summer internship at a professional journalism outlet, which must be approved by the YJI director. Students who have enrolled in English 467 are eligible for grants of up to $5,000, depending on need and available resources.
Publish one full-length feature or five shorter articles in a non-Yale magazine or newspaper; publish two full-length magazine articles in a Yale publication; or hold a senior editorial position at a Yale publication.
Complete either an advanced writing course, besides ENGL 467, in the English Department; any writing course in a different department; or a similar course at a graduate or professional school. Students interested in nonfiction writing should consult the wide offerings at Yale College (taught by professors including Alan Burdick, Anne Fadiman, Cynthia Zarin, Carl Zimmer, James Surowiecki, Margaret Spillane, Meghan O’Rourke, Sarah Stillman and Verlyn Klinkenborg), as well as the course catalogs of Yale’s other schools.
These requirements can be fulfilled in any order at any time during your studies at Yale. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate letter from Haley Cohen Gilliland, YJI’s director. Email her at haley.cohengilliland@yale.edu with any questions.
What if I don’t get into the gateway class?
English 467 is the core requirement to become a YJI Scholar and receive YJI internship funding. Students may apply to English 467 any semester at Yale, though professors do not usually accept first years. Enrollment tends to be competitive and students should try not to get disheartened even if rejected several times. Just as in a journalism career: perseverance is key! Talk to Haley about how to hone your application and reapply, reapply, reapply.